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Data in
Data out
Pass Bento guide events into Amplitude for deeper analyses, or leverage Amplitude cohorts for targeting

Why use this integration

  • Send Bento events like guide and step viewed, or guide and step completed to Amplitude for deeper analyses on how Bento events correlate with product adoption.
  • Leverage cohort data in Amplitude for Bento guide targeting, and event streaming for step completion

How to set up

Amplitude setup for receiving Bento events

  1. Copy your project's API key. There are no other setup steps in Amplitude. Find your project API key.

Bento setup

  1. Log into your Bento dashboard
  2. Visit the integrations page and click on Amplitude
  3. Paste your Amplitude API key and click Connect

Amplitude setup for Bento event streaming

  1. In Amplitude, navigate to Data Destinations, then find Bento  - Event Stream.
  2. Enter a sync name, then click Create Sync.
  3. Click Edit, then paste your Bento Push Key.
  4. Toggle the Send events filter to select the events to send. You can send all events, but Amplitude recommends choosing the most important ones.
  5. Use the Event Properties filter to select which Event Properties. 
  6. When finished, enable the destination and save.

Bento setup

  1. In the Amplitude integration page, generate and copy your Bento API key (Bento Push key)

Amplitude setup for sending Bento cohorts

  1. In Amplitude Data, click Catalog and select the Destinations tab.
  2. In the Cohort section, click Bento.
  3. Enter Name and paste in the API key you copied from Bento.
  4. Map the same Amplitude User_ID with the primary key from the Bento panel.
  5. Save when finished.

Bento setup

  1. In the Amplitude integration page, generate and copy your Bento API key (Bento Push key).

BentoAI - Auto-create guides from existing articles and recordings | Product Hunt